Ify Autos CEO Anie Ifeoma Amalonye takes charity works to orphanage home
donates essential food items and drinks to motherless babies in Ika

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and founder of Ify Autos, Anie Ifeoma Amalonye, has delivered on her pledge to broaden her commitment to the plight of orphans, widows and the underprivileged in Nigeria, by donating food items and drinks to an orphanage home in Delta State.
We live in an environment, where it is easy to be cruel and selfish, as a lot of things in life call for attention at the same time.
But for the delectable owner of Ify Autos, Anie Ifeoma Amalonye, the foregoing has not place in her as she
has again demonstrated that she is a different breed, a human being with a large and giving heart.
Only recently, the woman behind the positive trajectory of Ify Autos,, a company that majors in the sales and importation of automobile into Nigeria from Canada, paid an august visit to the Ika Diocesan Orphanage and Motherless Babies' Home/ Charity Foundation by Anglican Communion at No 1, Oriahi Street, Boji-Boji, Agbor, in Delta State, to donate food items and drinks.
The food items and drinks donated by the CEO of Ify Autos to the orphanage home include rice, food drinks, cartons of noodles and other essential household needs. The donation cones at a time when business entities are reducing cost and shedding staff strength. The food donation was an act of fulfilling the pledge she made to increase her regular charitable outreaches to the needy in the society, notwithstanding the harsh economic realities.
Anie Ifeoma Amalonye deserves all the plaudits and kudos that comes her direction for her lphilanthropic works. The CEO of Ify Autos ensured that though she lives in far-away Canada that the homeless, motherless and less privileged children over a thousand miles back here in Nigeria do not lack food on their table, particularly with the Christmas season swiftly approaching.
Speaking to reporters, the founder of Ify Autos said her philanthropic works started long before she ventured into entrepreneurship.
“I have always been actively involved in supporting widows, orphans ,less privileged in the society even before the inception of ify Autos and I have continued in that light and hope to Increase the quota as ify Autos expands because I believe is my social responsibility in giving back to the society,” said the Ify Autos boss.
Anie Amalonye said that she has been business oriented right from her days in the university. The Ify Auto vibrant leader graduated with honours from Ambrose Alli University (AAU), Ekpoma, Edo State and later bagged her masters degree in International Relationals and Diplomacy from the same university.
“My mother as a civil servant was very industrious and I was very helpful as a child in the series of business ventures she embarked on at that time and that didn’t stop because even in my university days I combined study with business as an undergraduate and didn’t rely much on my parents.
"I love entrepreneurship I will always be an entrepreneur regardless of where I find myself in society”, the Ify Autos CEO added.