
Meet Aghaichata Guichene, Lawyer, human resource expert & Niger’s Minister of Crafts and Tourism

Born on 8th August, 1994, in Agadez, Niger, Mrs Aghaichata Guichene, currently Minister of Crafts and Tourism of Niger since August 2023, is an accomplished professional, both a lawyer and an expert in human resources management.

She has an impressive academic and professional background that combines legal rigor and management expertise, with a particular passion for the challenges of development and the promotion of cultural heritage.

Holder of a Master 2 in Business Law from ESEJE Mohamédia in Morocco, Guichene began her career in the legal field before specializing in human resources and logistics. She has held several strategic positions in Niger, including as Human Resources and Legal Manager at Babati Petroleum Services in Niamey since September 2022. In this role, she oversaw the development of HR policies, contract management, and the improvement of internal procedures to optimize the company's performance.

Previously, as Human Resources and Logistics Director at Aero Secure, she ensured the compliance of HR procedures with local legislation, while advising management on measures to be taken for better human resources management. She has also participated in capacity building projects, highlighting her commitment to skills development and employee well-being.

Her practical training includes significant internships, including at the National Civil Aviation Agency, where she participated in the development of draft regulatory texts, and at SONIBANK, where she managed complex legal files related to inheritance and mortgage.

As Minister of Crafts and Tourism, Ms. Aghaichata Guichene is now at the head of a strategic mission to promote crafts and tourism in Niger. She is fully committed to implementing policies to promote local know-how and transform the tourism sector into an engine of economic growth. Her vision is that of inclusive development, based on authenticity, sustainability, and the creation of new opportunities for local communities.

Rigorous, organized, and endowed with an excellent analytical mind, Ms. Guichene embodies a new generation of Nigerien leaders committed to a better and prosperous future for their country.

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