
Obasanjo gives real reasons Nigeria not making progress

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has expressed worries that progress would continue to be far from Nigeria because the country has become a burial ground for unimplemented policies.

Obasanjo stated that Nigeria appears to be taking one step forward and three steps backward because of the inability of its leadership to implement policies.

Speaking at an event in Abuja, Obasanjo said Nigeria is not bereft of policies to achieve greatness but blamed leaders for the country’s lack of progress.

In the words of Obasanjo: “It is not enough for leaders to have policies or make statements. We are not short of policies in Nigeria.

“Unfortunately, Nigeria has become a burial ground of policies that are either unimplemented or unexecuted.

“Those who make progress achieved progress, not on the basis of wishing to make progress, but on taking actions. They do not take two steps forward and three steps backward.

“Regrettably this is what we are doing in every aspect of our national life. And as long as we are doing things this way, progress will elude us.”

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