Taliban bans women from working for NGOs in Afghanistan

Women's freedoms have been further curtailed in Afghanistan, after the Taliban barred them from working for non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
The Islamist rulers said female NGO employees had been breaking Sharia law by failing to wear the hijab.
It comes days after female students were banned from universities - the latest restriction on their education since the Taliban regained power.
Women prevented from going to work told the BBC of their fear and helplessness.
One said she was the main earner in her household, and asked: "If I cannot go to my job, who can support my family?"
Another breadwinner insisted that she had complied with the Taliban's strict female dress code. "This news is shocking," she said. "I am confused what will happen to my life."
A third woman questioned the Taliban's "Islamic morals", saying she would now struggle to pay her bills and feed her children.
"The world is watching us and doing nothing," said another female interviewee. The BBC is not publishing the women's names in order to protect them.
Saturday's edict was announced in a letter from the Ministry of Economy to both national and international NGOs. A Taliban spokesman confirmed that the ruling applied until further notice.