Life Style
8 Essentials for Christmas Shopping
What you must have before going for Christmas shopping

Christmas is almost upon us and this period is also time for a lot of shopping.
This is that time of the year that we sweat our brains out with thousands of other people, all trampling over each other to get the clothes, shoes, food stuffs and what have you.
A really glorious thing that Christmas shopping is.
As you head out the door to shop your heart out, in this hot and dusty weather be in control of your sanity, body temperature, your feet and eye with these tips below.

Choice of clothes to wear
Avoid buttons and difficult to fasten clothes: make it easy to take your clothes on and off, so that you aren’t tempted to not try on clothes before you buy. A leggings and shirt should work. Avoid busy dresses or jumpsuits, they will make it tricky to try on just a top or bottom.
Wear jewellery that won’t snag or come off when you’re trying on clothes and pulling them over your head. Avoid bracelets, statement earrings and bangles, rather go for studs. Otherwise, you’ll need to remove repeatedly each time you get changed.
Wristwatch is essential for time keeping to avoid spending all day at the market.
Flip flop or sneakers
Any sort of slip on and off shoe or sandal are the best kinds of shoes to wear. Make sure you can walk in the shoes – flats are often more comfortable. Sneakers too help you to look and walk smart while moving from one store or another.
Baseball cap or straw hat
If you haven't heard, the sun's rays can cause melanoma and other forms of skin cancer. Even when the sun isn't baking your cells, it's baking your skin. That will give you the worst kinds of sunburns. So, opt for a straw hat or baseball cap as natural barrier against the sun rays while shopping.
Pair of sunglass
The sun can have a very damaging effect on our eyes, especially after prolonged or direct exposure. Asides dusts entering your eyes, it is also important to go with glasses when shopping this season because of the damaging effects of UV rays.
Face mask
Face Mask is now part of our daily fashion since 2020 COVID pandemic.
At this point, masks are just another accessory to add to our wardrobes and also important while shopping for protection against dusts and unwanted smells.
Water for hydration
Carry a bottle of water so you don’t dehydrated, and remember to eat before you go, and stop for a snack to revive when necessary. Markets, especially the ones in Lagos are not the fainthearted.
Cross Bag or Cross Body Bucket Bag
Make sure your handbag is easy to carry. A Cross bag is usually the best option, so that it can be slung across your body for safety against pickpockets. Empty the bag of clutter and heavy bits and pieces before you leave home!